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Syfe Straight Talks

All about the facts, hard truths and trivia you need to know about investing.

How does currency impact investment returns?

Fluctuations in exchange rates can affect your portfolio.

Secure your family’s future with these 5 money moves

These time-tested principles can help you reach your wealth goals faster.

Passive investing vs. active investing: what’s right?

We are in the midst of a passive investing revolution.

How dollar cost averaging builds wealth over time

Experts recommend investing consistently for retirement and other financial goals.

Why are wealthy investors gravitating towards Core-Satellite portfolios?

One way to visualise this strategy would be to think of a planet surrounded by its moons.

Is your money sitting idle in your bank account?

Why not make your money work harder?

“Sell Out” or “Hold Out”? A dilemma in a falling market

During a market correction, emotions are often our biggest enemy.

How compounding can help make you rich

Ever heard of the phrase “make your money work for you”?

S&P 500 bear market: What that means & how you can be smart about it

A bear market is when indices like the S&P 500 sink 20% or more from their most recent all-time high.

How to Invest like Warren Buffett? Key Takeaways from Berkshire Hathaway’s 2022 Letter to Shareholders

Buffett spotlighted Coca-Cola and American Express as examples of great investment decisions he made. Having finished his seven-year purchase of over 400 million Coca-Cola shares in 1994, at the cost of US$1.3 billion, the investment went on to pay its dividends – literally. In 1994, the dividend income from the investment was US$75 million. In 2022, the dividend income from the original investment they made is now US$704 million.