Discover an easier way to grow long-term wealth. Invest in passive income, cash management or equity portfolios - all on one platform
Discover an easier way to grow long-term wealth. Invest in passive income, cash management or equity portfolios - all on one platform
Discover an easier way to grow long-term wealth. Invest in passive income, cash management or equity portfolios - all on one platform
Discover an easier way to grow long-term wealth. Invest in passive income, cash management or equity portfolios - all on one platform
Syfe is a digital investment platform that is building the next generation of financial solutions for individuals across Asia. Launched in July 2019, Syfe’s mission is to transform the way people manage their money and make high quality financial services affordable and accessible to all. Syfe is the all-in-one platform where everyday investors can access simple, smart and affordable investing, to grow wealth their way.
We offer personalised portfolios, enabling users to fulfil their long-term financial goals. The platform has no minimum investment amounts after account opening and maintains a low annual fee, starting at 0.35% per annum of the total amount invested.
In Hong Kong, Syfe carries on business through Syfe Hong Kong Limited, which is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission (License No. BRQ741) for Types 1 (Dealing in Securities), 4 (Advising on Securities), and 9 (Asset Management) to provide relevant investment services.
Syfe offers two portfolio categories:
Core - All-in-one portfolios that hold equity, bond, and gold ETFs as well as individual stocks. Depending on your goals, investing timeline, and risk appetite, you can choose between Core Defensive, Core Balanced, Core Growth, and Core Equity100 portfolios.
Select - Choose from 5 thematic options to capture long term trends effortlessly.
For customers with under HK$200,000 invested, their management fees are 0.65% a year, as our Blue client.
If customers have between HK$200,000 and HK$1 million invested, they pay a lower fee of 0.5% a year, as our Black client.
Customers with over HK$1 million invested pay 0.4% a year as our Syfe Gold client. They may also join our Private Wealth service when they invest over HK$5 million, with management fees at 0.35% a year.
For our investment portfolios, our fees range from 0.35% to 0.65% per year based on the higher of your total assets under management or total invested amount.
Please note that the total invested amount is calculated as all cash inflows minus cash outflows. Any withdrawals and dividends paid out to bank accounts are categorised as cash outflows.
The value of your total assets under management is your portfolio value/net asset value.
Our management fee covers everything from portfolio monitoring to automatic rebalancing. You are not charged any additional brokerage or platform fees.
Why the name Syfe?
In Japanese, the word Saifu means wallet and to be closely associated with our most important attribute - which is the word safe