Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation
Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation
Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation
Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation
Open an account now with just HK$10,000!
Learn more You have the option to switch between monthly payout and automatic dividend reinvestment depending on your immediate income needs. For those selecting monthly payout option, the portfolios will accumulate the dividends from the constituent funds on a monthly basis and payout the proceeds to your bank account within the first 10 days of the following month.
The default option is automatic dividend reinvestment. You can change to monthly payout in the Syfe app after the Income+ portfolio is successfully funded. Select "Income+" in app homepage, select your Income+ portfolio, scroll down to "Dividend option" to make the change.
There is a minimum amount of HK$10,000 to start investing, to ensure that investors can take full advantage of the portfolios' features such as monthly payout of dividends to their bank account. Investors in Income+ portfolios always receive dividends, but the payout to bank feature can be enabled only if you have an invested amount or current portfolio value of at least HK$10,000, otherwise your dividends will be automatically reinvested in your Income+ portfolios.
As per Securities and Futures Commission regulations, we are required to verify your identity by a HK$10,000 or US$1,300 bank transfer from your bank account, in order to open a Syfe account for you.
Syfe does not charge any subscription or withdrawal fee. You can deposit or place a withdrawal request from any of your portfolios whenever you want.
Income+ portfolios are Hong Kong dollar (HKD) denominated. Syfe recommends clients to deposit and withdraw funds in HKD for Income+ portfolios to avoid any currency conversion fees.
Syfe does not charge any subscription or withdrawal fee. You can deposit or place a withdrawal request from any of your portfolios whenever you want.
Why the name Syfe?
In Japanese, the word Saifu means wallet and to be closely associated with our most important attribute - which is the word safe