

Earn up to 8.6% p.a.* target monthly payout in HKD

Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation



Earn up to 8.6% p.a.* target monthly payout in HKD

Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation



Earn up to 8.6% p.a.* target monthly payout in HKD

Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation



Earn up to 8.6% p.a.* target monthly payout in HKD

Introducing Income+! Enjoy a new stream of income with monthly payouts in HKD and potential capital appreciation

Fund partners
Asia FinTech AwardPersonal Tech AwardABF Award
Syfe Hong Kong Limited is regulated by Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC)
License - CE No: BRQ741
*Income+ portfolio is built with an objective to achieve a target monthly payout range, in current market environment. Target monthly payout is not guaranteed, and is subject to market movements. Past distributions are not necessarily indicative of future trends, which may be lower. A positive monthly payout or distribution yield does not imply a positive return. Source: Syfe, fund factsheets. As of 30th Jun 2024 14:30 HKT. Statistics are based on the weighted fund allocation within each Income+ portfolio. Learn more

Curated for you by Syfe's investment team, with decades of experience from leading financial institutions
including UBS, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and more.

  • Card Icon
    Target monthly payout
    6 - 8.6% p.a.
  • Card Icon
    Diversified portfolios built with best-in-class funds from world-class asset managers
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    Fees as low as 0.35% p.a.
    No lock-in period, subscription and withdrawal fees
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    Your dividends, your way
    Reinvest dividends or pay out to bank account—the choice is yours
  • Open an account now with just HK$10,000!

    Learn more

    Capture market opportunities by bringing best-in-class fixed income strategies to you

    Right now, interest rate exposure is appealing to us - particularly in short to mid-term treasuries since US rates should already be near their peak.
    Fixed income now offers income. Short term bond yields have surged as central banks have raised rates. That reinforces the appeal of real income in excess of inflation in portfolios.
    Investment-grade credit—The highest-quality areas of the credit market have become more attractive, providing higher yields in investment-grade bonds relative to the dividends from equities.

    How is Income+ different?

    Time deposit
    Government bond (iBond)
    Discretionary investment portfolio
    Bank deposit
    Government issued inflation-linked retail bond
    Payout & Frequency
    Target 6%-8.6% p.a.
    Monthly payout
    Varied: 3.3% - 4.5% p.a. on average.
    Payout at Maturity only*
    2% p.a. and up.
    Semi-annual payout**
    Lock-in, subscription and withdrawal fees
    3 to 12 months lock-in period.
    Early withdrawal penalty applies
    None, but may incur brokerage charges
    Principal and return guarantee
    No, subject to price risks, including possibility of capital loss
    Yes, covered under Hong Kong Deposit Protection Scheme up to $500,000 HKD per depositor per scheme member
    No, subject to risks including default on any payment of principal or interest
    Investment value volatility
    Income+ Pure: Low to Medium
    Income+ Enhance: Medium to High
    *Source: Online information from major time deposit products in the market. As of 30th Jun 2024 14:30 HKT.
    **Source: HKSAR Government Retail Bond Issuance Programme

    Optimise income
    in any market condition

    Purpose-built portfolios for all your income needs.

    Syfe's Income+ portfolios are constructed using funds managed by leading asset managers such as Franklin Templeton, Alliance Bernstein and HSBC. Together with the asset managers' forward-looking views and time-tested investment approach, Syfe brings you the best of Hong Kong’s fixed income funds —bundled in a simple, holistic solution, to help you weather market uncertainty and rising interest rates.
    Income+ Pure
    Income+ Enhance
    Monthly income with lower risk
    Higher income with capital appreciation
    Target monthly payout
    6.0-7.0% p.a.
    7.6 - 8.6% p.a.
    Portfolio Characteristics
    Yield to Maturity
    4.4 yrs
    Credit Quality
    Yield to Maturity
    4.3 yrs
    Credit Quality

    Payout calculator

    Target monthly payout


    Total investment required


    This calculator is meant for illustrative purpose only. Target monthly payout refers to the selected portfolio's Target monthly payout midpoint to calculate total investment required. It does not represent the estimated monthly payout that the portfolio can achieve in future. Target monthly payout is not guaranteed, and is subject to market movements. As of 30th Jun 2024 14:30 HKT. Refer to definition of Target Monthly Payout here.

    Simple, all-inclusive fee from 0.35%

    Simple, all-inclusive fee from 0.35%

    Simple, all-inclusive fee from 0.35%

    Syfe, a Singapore-headquartered digital investment platform, has made two senior appointments, one from Schroders and one ex-UBS veteran, to bolster its business expansion in Hong Kong.
    Advisory Image
    Advisory Image
    Advisory Image

    Talk to our Wealth Experts

    General Enquiries

    Get help in understanding Syfe’s portfolios, fees and platform features

    Personalised consultation for Black tier and above

    Get a personalised consultation based on your goals if you are planning to invest more than HK$200,000.

    Private Wealth

    Bespoke solutions for high and ultra-high net worth individuals, families and institutions
    Explore Private Wealth

    Frequently asked questions

    How is monthly payout handled?


    You have the option to switch between monthly payout and automatic dividend reinvestment depending on your immediate income needs. For those selecting monthly payout option, the portfolios will accumulate the dividends from the constituent funds on a monthly basis and payout the proceeds to your bank account within the first 10 days of the following month.

    The default option is automatic dividend reinvestment. You can change to monthly payout in the Syfe app after the Income+ portfolio is successfully funded. Select "Income+" in app homepage, select your Income+ portfolio, scroll down to "Dividend option" to make the change.

    Is there a minimum investment amount to get started?


    There is a minimum amount of HK$10,000 to start investing, to ensure that investors can take full advantage of the portfolios' features such as monthly payout of dividends to their bank account. Investors in Income+ portfolios always receive dividends, but the payout to bank feature can be enabled only if you have an invested amount or current portfolio value of at least HK$10,000, otherwise your dividends will be automatically reinvested in your Income+ portfolios.

    As per Securities and Futures Commission regulations, we are required to verify your identity by a HK$10,000 or US$1,300 bank transfer from your bank account, in order to open a Syfe account for you.

    Is there any lock-in period for my investments?


    Syfe does not charge any subscription or withdrawal fee. You can deposit or place a withdrawal request from any of your portfolios whenever you want.

    In what currency can I fund or withdraw for Income+ portfolios, and any associated charges?


    Income+ portfolios are Hong Kong dollar (HKD) denominated. Syfe recommends clients to deposit and withdraw funds in HKD for Income+ portfolios to avoid any currency conversion fees.

    Syfe does not charge any subscription or withdrawal fee. You can deposit or place a withdrawal request from any of your portfolios whenever you want.

    As featured in

    Ming Pao
    Sing Tao
    Financial Times

    Pronounced as
    Sounds like life

    Why the name Syfe?
    In Japanese, the word Saifu means wallet and to be closely associated with our most important attribute - which is the word safe

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    [email protected]
    Unit 1927 & 1935, Level 19, China Building, 29 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
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    The information contained herein is for general information and reference purposes only. Information on this website is not and should not be construed as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, investment product or service, nor a distribution of information for any such purpose. It is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision.
    Investors should not make any investment decision based solely on the information and services provided herein. Before making any investment decision, investors browsing this website should consider his/her own circumstances including but not limited to his/her financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives, and should understand the nature, terms and risks of the relevant investment funds in detail.
    Unless otherwise specified, all historical figures shown are for illustration purposes only and not necessarily indicative of future performance. All forms of investment carry risks, including fluctuation of prices of fund units and the possibility of loss of the capital invested. Please ensure that you fully understand the risks and costs involved by reading the Risk Disclosure Statement.
    The fund(s) mentioned above may not be authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") in Hong Kong. Please seek professional advice from an independent financial consultant where necessary. The webpage(s) have not been reviewed by the SFC. Syfe Hong Kong Limited (“Syfe”) is a Hong Kong Corporation licensed by the SFC (CE No. BRQ741) under Types 1 (Dealing in Securities), 4 (Advising on Securities), and 9 (Asset Management) for conducting relevant investment activities.
    Every reasonable care has been taken by Syfe to ensure that the information included on this website is correct, up-to-date, complete, fit for its intended purpose and in line with relevant legislation and regulations. However, errors or omissions may occur due to circumstances out of Syfe’s control and information or forecast, being current only as at the date it is first posted, showing prevailing market conditions and certain assumptions (which may not be proven valid) posted on this website is and may no longer be true or complete when viewed by you. No warranty will be given or representation made, regarding the accuracy, validity or completeness of the information on this website and no liability is accepted by such persons for the accuracy or completeness of such information.