Our fee structure is built for the long term, allowing you to keep more of what you earn as you grow your wealth with no hidden charges.
It’s easy to understand the fees you pay. With a straightforward tier-based system, reap the rewards of your accumulative benefits across all solutions.
With industry-beating rates, we believe that fees should never be a barrier to investing. And when your investments go up, your fees go down.
Have no illusions about the fees you pay. No complex algorithms, or layers of fine print to sift through. It’s all right here.
Simple, all-inclusive price
How much does Syfe charge?
For our investment portfolios, our fees range from 0.35% to 0.65% per year based on the higher of your total assets under management or total invested amount.
Please note that the total invested amount is calculated as all cash inflows minus cash outflows. Any withdrawals and dividends paid out to bank accounts are categorised as cash outflows.
The value of your total assets under management is your portfolio value / net asset value.
Our management fee covers everything from portfolio monitoring to automatic rebalancing. You are not charged any additional brokerage or platform fees.
How are fees calculated?
Fees are calculated on a daily basis and billed at the end of each month. If you withdraw your balance before that, you pay only for the days your money was managed by Syfe. Your Syfe client tier, and corresponding fees, are decided by the higher of your total assets under management or total invested amount across all portfolios.
Do I have to pay commission charges or withdrawal fees?
No, unlike traditional investment management, Syfe does not charge you transaction or brokerage fees. There are no sales charges, no withdrawal fees and no hidden charges, so you pay even lower fees.
Are there any other fees apart from Syfe's management fee?
ETF Management Fees (For ETF portfolios)
The ETF management fee across our Syfe Core portfolios averages 0.15 - 0.24%. For an ETF management fee of 0.15%, this amounts to around US$1.50 per US$1,000 invested each year. The fee is charged by the ETF manager and built in to the prices of the ETFs that we buy on your behalf.
Since it is not charged by Syfe, you will not see the ETF management fee deducted directly from your Syfe account.
SEC Charges
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charges a very small fee of 0.0008% on sell trades. This fee applies to our Syfe Core portfolios for sell transactions only.
Regulatory Fees
Trading activity fee (TAF)
Penny stock fee
Trading fee
Clearing fee
Custody fee