Syfe Select Themes is a way to apply thematic investing to your portfolio. Many investors want their portfolios to reflect their values and investment preferences. With thematic portfolios, you can do just that.
Syfe Select Themes offers four different portfolio themes: ESG & Clean Energy, Disruptive Technology, Healthcare Innovation, and China Growth.
Of course! You may invest in multiple Syfe Select Themes portfolios depending on your investment goals and risk appetite.
All forms of investments carry a certain degree of risk. Clients should consider their personal risk appetite and evaluate it against the risk rating of each Syfe Select Themes portfolio, which are in turn determined using weighted average risk scores of the individual ETFs and individual stocks within the portfolio. In general, thematic portfolios should be used to complement your core investment holdings and should make up less than 30% of your overall portfolio allocation.
Some of the underlying ETFs and individual stocks in Syfe Select Theme portfolios distribute dividends. These will be credited to your portfolio automatically and reinvested for you at no charge.
Why the name Syfe?
In Japanese, the word Saifu means wallet and to be closely associated with our most important attribute - which is the word safe