[Press release] Syfe Hong Kong launches Income+ with target monthly payouts of up to 8.6% p.a.
Syfe Income+ portfolios are designed and curated using best-in-class active funds managed by leading asset managers such as HSBC, Franklin Templeton and AllianceBernstein. Benefiting from these asset managers' market insights and time-tested investment approach built on decades of experience, this solution offers institutional grade fixed income strategies to help investors navigate unforeseen market conditions and rising interest rates with ease and flexibility, enabling them to optimize their income at a low cost.
Even 1% Investment Costs can Eat Away Your Long-Term Returns
From the moment you start investing, there comes a spate of associated costs and fees you need to be aware of. These seemingly meager expenses can accumulate over time, gradually depleting a significant portion of your hard-earned profits.
China’s property market turmoil and Syfe’s Portfolio Positioning
China's real estate market, once the emblem of robust growth, is currently facing notable challenges. Country Garden, a leading property developer in China, recently reported significant financial loss and missed bond payments, sparking industry-wide concerns.
Beware of scammers impersonating Syfe and its officers or employees
Syfe has received a new report of a WhatsApp group impersonating Syfe.
Keep Calm and Stay Invested: Why It Pays to Take the Long View
In today's fluctuating financial climate, investors often face the temptation to time the market, hoping to buy low and sell high.
Making Sense of the September FOMC Meeting
The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting was among the most eagerly anticipated events for investors in September. At the meeting, the Fed announced its decision to maintain the current interest rates. However, it also hinted at a potential rate hike before the year’s end. Let us delve deeper into the details of the FOMC meeting and its potential implications.
An easier way to invest in the world’s top companies
We’ve launched a portfolio for investors seeking a 100% exposure to stocks.
5 Reasons China’s Recent Stock Market Rally Could Be Fundamentally Different
China’s government is buying Mainland stocks to stabilise the domestic stock market and influence stock market indices. In the past, government buying was done discreetly without much publicity, this time China is being much more public with its stock purchases.
Understanding Syfe’s Disruptive Technology portfolio
Disruptive Technology portfolio directly holds over 100 high-growth stocks like Tesla, Shopify, and Coinbase.
Is A Core Growth Portfolio Right For You?
Are you someone who favours a high-risk, high-reward approach to investing?